
Pay Attention To Your Cravings

October 23, 2023

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chocolate chip cookies

Cravings are your body’s messenger that something is off.

I’m not talking about hunger, when you haven’t eaten all day in you’re legitimately hungry. I’m talking about those nagging cravings, even if you aren’t hungry! For example, if you crave something sweet after dinner or crave a sugary latte first thing in the morning. Your body is telling you something with those cravings. Don’t ignore them, but instead be curious about why they’re there.

Remember that sugar is addictive, and if you’re consuming too much of it, you will crave even more! It targets the dopamine receptors in your brain just like drugs and cigarettes. The more you consume the more you will want. So craving sweets may be your body’s way of telling you you’re already having too many.

I have also found if I don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables during the day I crave something sweet at night. Maybe it’s a vitamin and mineral deficiency that is causing you to crave something sweet? After all fruits and vegetables are sweeter and are full of things that our bodies legitimately need. Chocolate cake on the other hand is not, so if you are having these cravings better to go for the fruit and vegetables that are sweeter.

Dehydration is also a big cause of cravings!

Rather than feeling shame for having these cravings, instead become your own investigator and try and get to the root of the cause. Often times you can elevate your health by figuring these out and making some slight adjustments.


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